Posts Tagged ‘kids’
Reading Fun Photo Recap On Thursday, October 23, several members of RIF HQ attended a very special Reading Celebration at Joint Base Andrews in Prince George’s County, Maryland, a short drive away from our DC offices. “It’s RIF – I know RIF!” “Is Kareem here?” “I know who Kareem is. He’s an author!” Finishing their […]
Next to the candy, the fun of Halloween is all in dressing up. For kids and grown-ups alike, Halloween is a day to try on a different or future life—or simply get goofy. Here are some ideas for easy costumes inspired by great kids’ books. Read the book before making the costume to familiarize your […]
For the second graders at Pamlico County Primary School, a little rain was not enough to throw a dark cloud over their beach-themed reading celebration last Tuesday. Outfitted with flower leis and their RIF backpacks, they arrived ready to choose their new books and stretch out on their beach towels to read them. Juliana wants […]
At RIF HQ, we get a lot of letters and photos from RIF programs around the country. In addition to the endlessly adorable thank you notes from RIF kids, we get updates on book distributions and summaries of inspired reading events that our volunteers invent and execute all the time. And sometimes, we get a […]

Whether you’re on the resolution train or not, having a healthy mind and body is likely at the top of your “important” list no matter the year! Here are 5 healthy reads for the little ones. While teaching upper- and lowercase letters to preschoolers, Ehlert introduces fruits and vegetables from around the world. This delightful […]
Felix and Jordan were looking for a book that could help their son get ready for his role as a big brother. But none of the families looked like their interracial family. It took some time, but they eventually found their book (All the World, by Liz Garton Scanlon, illustrated by Marla Frazee). And the […]
It’s a slippery slope. “Summer Slide” is what we use to describe learning loss for children over the summer – a loss disproportionately affecting underserved children. Researchers put it at two months (if not more) of learning loss. And the effect is cumulative, causing a significant achievement gap between low and middle-income children down the […]
“Books can have an enormous impact on a child,” stated Dr. Bailey, who has been working with low-income children for 17 years through his Reading Is Fundamental program. Dr. Bailey’s program serves primarily Spanish-speaking children, and one little girl stands out in his memory. “Last year, this first-grade girl received her RIF books and you […]
Roses are red. Violets are blue. It’s National Poetry Month. You can celebrate too! Get your little beatniks captivated by poetry this month. Start by reading some poems, perhaps some Shel Silverstein, and then ask them what their favorite poem is and why. Take the celebration even further and have your kids write their very […]
We all know the phrase, “Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.” This Earth Day, don’t forget the 4th “r”—Read! Earth Day is a wonderful opportunity to pass along important values and set an example for little ones in your life. So how do you teach kids about Mother Earth and what they can do to help her? Start with […]
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