Scrumptious Books

bookpie-David Malan

Whether you’re on the resolution train or not, having a healthy mind and body is likely at the top of your “important” list no matter the year! Here are 5 healthy reads for the little ones.

eating the alphabet While teaching upper- and lowercase letters to preschoolers, Ehlert introduces fruits and vegetables from around the world.
sopadefrijoles_bean soup This delightful poem teaches readers young and old how to make a heartwarming, tummy-filling black bean soup, from gathering the beans, onions, and garlic to taking little pebbles out of the beans to letting them simmer till the luscious smell indicates it’s time for supper.
i will never not ever eat a tomato Lola is a fussy eater. A very fussy eater. There are many things Lola won’t eat, including – and especially – tomatoes. Or will she? Two endearing siblings star in a witty story about the triumph of
grandpas garden This beautifully told story follows Billy from early spring to late summer as he helps his grandpa on his vegetable patch. When harvest time arrives they can pick all the vegetables and fruit they have grown.
the vegetables we eat Who knew there were so many different kinds of vegetables? From glossy red peppers to lush, leafy greens to plump orange pumpkins, vegetables are explored in depth — the many vegetable varieties, how they are grown, and why they are so good for us to eat.

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