Positively Poetic


Roses are red. Violets are blue. It’s National Poetry Month. You can celebrate too!

Get your little beatniks captivated by poetry this month. Start by reading some poems, perhaps some Shel Silverstein, and then ask them what their favorite poem is and why.

Take the celebration even further and have your kids write their very own poem about their day or someone they love and read it aloud to friends, family or classmates.

Here are some questions to get your poet thinking:

  • Why does poetry sound different when it’s read out loud?
  • What makes it different from storybooks?
  • Do all poems have to rhyme?
  • What’s the difference between a sonnet, limerick, acrostic or a haiku?

Want more background about the month and ideas for kids? Visit our friends at Poets.org.

Photo Source: newwavegurly 

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