Posts Tagged ‘literacy’

At Reading Is Fundamental, literacy is what we do every single day, and we’ll tirelessly campaign for reading and access to books for every child regardless of their background. September is especially important, though, because it’s National Literacy Month, with September 8 marking International Literacy Day. This global movement to commemorate literary awareness marks […]
A recent survey found that only one in three parents reads bedtime stories with their children every night. This figure was astonishing to me, not only as the president and CEO of the largest children’s literacy nonprofit, but also as a mother and grandmother who has built enduring family traditions around books. Every December, my […]
At RIF HQ, we get a lot of letters and photos from RIF programs around the country. In addition to the endlessly adorable thank you notes from RIF kids, we get updates on book distributions and summaries of inspired reading events that our volunteers invent and execute all the time. And sometimes, we get a […]

Meet the 2014 Anne Hazard Richardson RIF Volunteers of the Year! Each of these amazing book people have had an impact on thousands of children and their families. They’ve brought delight and discovery to children with their dedication to the love of reading. Mary Ellen Cravotta of Fort Bragg, NC Elementary Librarian at Irwin Intermediate School Mary […]
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