It’s National Literacy Month



At Reading Is Fundamental, literacy is what we do every single day, and we’ll tirelessly campaign for reading and access to books for every child regardless of their background. September is especially important, though, because it’s National Literacy Month, with September 8 marking International Literacy Day. This global movement to commemorate literary awareness marks a unique opportunity for book people to come together as one and share their passion for a literate world.

Literacy is the foundation of learning and the gateway to boundless opportunities, yet here in the US 34 percent of children entering kindergarten  lack the basic language skills needed to learn how to read. Among older children, 8,000 students drop out of high school every single day.6916062558_11909934e9_o

Barnes & Noble College Booksellers are matching gifts throughout September up to $50,000 at, so now is a great time to give in support of literacy. RIF is working hard to get books into the hands of the children that need them most. Let’s stand together, for education, for the stories we love, and for wonderful books!

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