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Meet the 2014 Anne Hazard Richardson RIF Volunteers of the Year! Each of these amazing book people have had an impact on thousands of children and their families. They’ve brought delight and discovery to children with their dedication to the love of reading. Mary Ellen Cravotta of Fort Bragg, NC Elementary Librarian at Irwin Intermediate School Mary […]
How are your New Year’s resolutions going? We’ve teamed up with Gerber Life Insurance Company to give you an extra boost of inspiration. Check out the Inspired Reading Giveaway now live on Facebook. Each day for the next 30 days we’re posting inspiring quotes to unite book lovers nationwide. To join in, take our Book People […]
Whether you’re on the resolution train or not, having a healthy mind and body is likely at the top of your “important” list no matter the year! Here are 5 healthy reads for the little ones. While teaching upper- and lowercase letters to preschoolers, Ehlert introduces fruits and vegetables from around the world. This delightful […]
Happy 2014! Thanks to your generous support this holiday season, over 200,000 children will receive books to keep and cherish. We are grateful and so are they. These thank-you notes from RIF kids are sure to warm your heart.
Book People, thank you for believing in the power of reading… for giving children the chance to explore new worlds, dream big, and achieve their full potential. All year long, you gave us the power to move our mission forward. This holiday season, you will be filled with joy to know that we gave 3.3 […]
A book is real, personal, comforting, and lasts forever in our minds and hearts after it’s read. This is what makes a book the perfect gift for the special someone’s in your life, young or old. But, how do you know what book to get? Never fear, our top five tips will help you pick […]
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