Perfect Whimsy


Apparently Dr. Seuss was such a perfectionist that the majority of his material would end up on the cutting-room floor. What’s funny is that while Dr. Seuss inspired me in so many ways, what he gave me most was a sense of whimsy.

Whimsy, you ask?

Whimsy is magic. Whimsy is breaking the mold and being proud of your differences. Whimsy is playful. But above all, whimsy is bold.

Sure, sure, being boldly different is celebrated a lot more today than it was in Dr. Seuss’s time. But when you’re a kid, being different can be tough.

For me, Dr. Seuss was the original “Let Your Freak Flag Fly” instigator.  His trees were different, his words were made up and every character’s hair was askew.

And though it never felt like I was taking medicine when I read his books, I always got the moral of the stories – standing up for what’s right, even if it’s not popular. A person’s a person, no matter how small!

That kind of messages sticks with a kid. I know it did for me, as I fell in love with in political science and moved from the West Coast to D.C. on a mission the change the world, in whatever small way I could.

Dr. Seuss instigated me. He made me think creatively. He challenged me to reject notions of how things should be. He made me whimsical.

Tomorrow would have been Dr. Seuss’s 109th birthday. From just one of the many he’s inspired to be a dreamer and can-doer, here’s wishing you a whimsy-filled birthday, Dr. Seuss.

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