Our Pledge
Welcome friends. I’m Jay, a real Book Person working at RIF. My 3-year-old daughter is into making lists these days – shopping lists, to-do lists, even Santa lists (a kid can’t be too prepared).
With all this list discussion, it got me thinking …
Imagine a best-seller list for the issues that matter most.
We see versions of this every Election Year – jobs, the economy, education, health care. But what about something so basic but so necessary that by simply focusing on it we would see dramatic improvements in all of the other issues?
What about literacy?
Consider this…In low-income neighborhoods in the United States, there is only 1 book for every 300 children. Sadly, a child without books is on their way to becoming …
- 1 of 33 percent of 4th graders who cannot read at the basic level
- 1 of the 7,000 students who drop out of high school every school day
- 1 of the 40 million adults who cannot read
There are 16 million children living in poverty in this country. That means millions of children are growing up without one of the most essential tools for learning and growing.
Imagine putting literacy first.
Imagine a nation where all children have the books and literacy support they need to write their best life story. Where a greater number of students earn diplomas. Where our workforce is larger, smarter and more innovative. Where all communities are thriving.
A literate America is a drastically different America than the one we see today. And it all starts with a book.
Today, Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) is launching Book People Unite – a campaign to shine a national spotlight on children’s literacy.
Our goal is bold but simple – to unite a community of people who believe in the transformative power of books and will join RIF in getting books to kids who need them most.
Will you join us? Watch our new PSA and take the pledge.
Book People Unite!
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